• Boules on the Beach

    All Welcome on Thursday 29th June, 6:30 pm @ Aberavon Beach

  • Christmas Celebration 2022

    Hope to see you all at the Gwachel, (Pontardawe Inn) on Thursday 27th October at 7 pm. We’d also like to invite you to our annual Christmas party. Please contact us to book your place, place your food order and pay a £10 deposit by November 19th. Full details below.

  • Upcoming Trip to Locmine

    We are very happy to report that 18 Members will be travelling to Locmine next week. This is our long delayed trip from 2020, when we were forced to cancel due to the onset of the pandemic. Needless to say we all very excited and our friends in Locmine have put together a lovely programme of events. Euros, tickets and bags nearly packed, stayed tuned to hear all about our adventures and follow our exploits on our Facebook page

    Our friends in the Locmine Committee planning our adventures.

    Can’t wait to be together again soon x

  • Trip to Locmine, 3rd-6th November 2022

    Hello friends, this November we will be travelling to Locmine to see our friends for our long awaited visit. We are trying something new and will be flying to Nantes and then taking the train up to Vannes where our friends from Locmine will meet us. If you would like to join us please contact our Chair, Kathy for more information. We’d love to take you with us.

  • Visiting Locmine October Half Term 2016

    After a very positive meeting with Pontardawe Committee, which has been confirmed by our friends in Locmine, we will be travelling to France in October Half Term 2016. We will be having further meetings on the last Thursday of every month to chose exact dates and plan our journey. If you would like to come along to help us plan or would just like to confirm your place on the trip, please get in touch here

  • Our July Staycation Success

    Our Locmine friends arrived in Pontardawe about 6 pm on Saturday evening amid a typical welsh downpour which featured strongly throughout the visit. Our friends were introduced to their host families and were spirited away for a lovely evening meal and rest after their long but comfortable journey. On Sunday, those brave enough to veFB_IMG_1439414337018nture out in the rain, went down to the Wales’ National Airshow in Swansea Bay. Some families planned their own activities with walks, kayaking, Roller Derby and shopping on the cards. There was much to see and do in the Airshow, with many intersting stalls and displays of military equipment to climb on and explore. However there was a distinct lack of aerial activity due to the poor weather! Not being beaten by this turn of events, the children put on a fantastic paper airplane show following the group picnic which was kindly hosted by Swansea University

    The soiree was held later that evening in the Glynclydach Coach House, with live blue grass music with a few guest appearances. It was a brilliant event with over 110 people celebrating everything Celtic and enjoying the great company. It was lovely to see the large group of children and teenagers playing, singing and socialising together in the true spirit of twinning friendship. On Monday, after a minor hiccup and quick dash by Martin, we visited the beautiful Castell Coch. It was great to explore immaculately preserved castle and climb the spiral staircases. A quick journey to the centre of Cardiff for a late lunch and a spot of shopping and back home for a meal and an evening of fun with our frieDSC_3993nds.

    Tuesday, with yet more rain, we cancelled our walk around Pontardawe with a tour by the historical society, opting instead with a small talk and film in the arts centre, with delicious home made welsh cakes and cream teas from the cafe. Our friends then got on their bus and left Pontardawe at about 2 pm amid another great downpour!



    It was a very successful visit and a big thank you to the host families and committee members for all your hard work. Our friends thoroughly enjoyed their time with us and are looking forward to hosting us in the future.


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